Borders Green Energy
Intelligent interior climate solutions

Self-build Specialists
mvhr & DCMVHR

Any modern house with lots of glazing and up to date levels of insulation needs air circulation to prevent sick building syndrome, and more importantly, protect the respiratory health of the occupants.

Demand controlled ventilation system by Renson.

Diagram of the ducting system we use for MVHR systems.

Any modern house with lots of glazing and up to date levels of insulation needs air circulation to prevent sick building syndrome, and more importantly, protect the respiratory health of the occupants.
Click image to expand.
"Insulation, insulation, insulation," has been our mantra to clients over many years, but now that highly insulated and airtight homes are becoming the norm, indoor air quality has become a prime concern. A building that cannot breathe will be subject to condensation in wet rooms, leading to mould and other nasties. Poor indoor air quality has led to a phenomenon that has come to be known as sick building syndrome. If the indoor air quality is poor, the inhabitants will also suffer breathing associated ailments, such as asthma. The forthcoming amendment to the building regulations is likely to tighten the requirements for ventilation. Opening a window will no longer suffice because it will defeat the purpose of having an energy efficient airtight building. Efficient ventilation without heat loss will be necessary, and the best way to achieve this is through MVHR.
Mechanical ventilation with heat recovery draws warm, stale air from warm wet rooms like bathrooms and kitchens, and puts it through a heat exchanger. At the same time, fresh air is drawn into the building and is pre-warmed in the heat exchanger, then distributed through ducts in the ceiling or loft to rooms such as living rooms and bedrooms. The effect is a comfortable home that feels fresh and breathable all the time as it operates 24/7 irrespective of whether there is a need to improve air quality, but you can set up a user profile to vary the circulation rate depending on your lifestyle.
Demand Controlled Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery works in a similar way to MVHR, but is more efficient than MVHR because it only operates as the need arises thanks to sensors that detect increased levels of carbon dioxide, humidity. When unhealthy levels are detected, the system will operate to improve the air quality until safe levels are re-established.
Installing any MVHR system can sometimes reduce the size of heat pump required.
Homes with DC/MVHR do not require trickle vents in the windows.
All installation photographs on this web site are our own work, and are copyright.